
Class 11 Chemistry Video Lectures
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Course Features
- Lectures 217
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 152 Hours 44 Minutes
- Skill level All levels
- Language English, Hindi
- Students 9
- Assessments Yes
1. Stoichiometry 1
2. Stoichiometry 2
- Acid Base definition
- Acidity & Basicity
- Acidic Strength
- Acidic Strength
- Conjugate Acid-Base pair, Basic Strength
- Oxidation & Reduction
- Calculation of Oxidation Number
- O.A. & R.A., Balancing by Oxidation Number Method
- Balancing by Ion Electron Method.
- Eq. Wt. 1 – n factor & Eq. Wt. Concept
- Eq. Wt. 2 – Eq. Concept
- Volumetric Analysis
- Titration – Acid Base Titration
- Titration – Acid Base Titration, Indicator
- Titration – Redox Titration-8
3. Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry
- Zeroth Law
- 1st law – System, Properties, State
- 1st Law, Process, Internal energy, Work
- Work done in Irreversible process, Isobaric Process
- Isochoric Process & problems TD
- Isothermal irreversible Process, Problems on TD
- Adiabatic Process
- Problems on TD
- Thermochemistry & Enthalpy
- Hess’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Law
- Enthalpy of Formation, combustion
- Enthalpy of Hydrogenation, Hydration, dissolution, lattice energy
- Enthapy of Neutralisation, atomisation, Bond Energy
- Resonance energy & problems
- Efficiency, engine, pump & Carnot engine
4. Atomic Structure
- Introduction, Cathode rays & Anode rays
- J.J. Thomson Model, Millikan Oil Drop Experiment
- Rutherford Experiment
- Quantum Mechanics, BlackBody Radiation Experiment
- Wave
- Photoelectric Effect
- Problems on Photoelectric Effect
- Atomic Structure
- Bohr Theory
- H – Spectrum
- Problems on Bohr’s Theory
- Adv. Problems on Bohr Theory & Sommerfeld model
- Quantum Mechanical Model for Atomic Structure
- Schrodinger wave equation
- No. of Orbitals & Quantum no
- Orbital Curve, RPD curve, Definition of Node
- Calculation of Node, Orbital Picture
5. Chemical equilibrium
6. Ionic Equilibrium
- Electrolyte, Dissociation of H2O, Nature of Solution
- PH scale, Log & Antilog
- PH of Strong Acid, Base Solution
- PH of Weak Acid, Base solution
- PH of mixture of Acids, Bases
- PH of Salt Solution 1
- PH of salt solution 2
- Common ion effect, Buffer solution
- Buffer Capacity
- Titration & PH Curve 1
- Titration & PH curve 2
- Acid Base indicator
- Solubility Equilibrium
7. Introduction & Development of Org. Chemistry
8. Nomenclature of Org. Compounds
9. GOC 1- Hybridisation, Resonance, Aromaticity
- Concept Of Hybridisation
- Sp3, Sp2 Hybridisation
- Sp Hybridisation, Relative Study Of Sp3, Sp2, Sp Orbitals
- Effect Of Hybridisation On Bond Length, Planar Nature
- Concept Of Resonance
- Doing Resonance
- Resonance Hybrid, Cannonical St. , Resonance Energy
- Condition Of Resonance
- Writing Cannonical St.
- Relative Stability Of Cannonical St.
- Resonance Energy
- Effect Of Resonance On Bond Length, Enthalpy Of Hydrogenation
10. GOC 2 - Substituent effect
11. GOC 2 - Reactive Intermediate
12. GOC 2 - Acid, base, Electrophile, Nucleophile
13. Isomerism
- Structural Isomers
- Tautomerism
- Stability Of Tautomers
- Factors Affecting Stability, Catalysis In Tautomerism
- Geometrical Isomerism
- E-z Nomenclature, Properties Of G.i.
- No. Of G.i., Interconversion Of G.i.
- Optical Isomerism & Its Conditions
- Different Types Of Projections, R-s Configuration
- Relationship Between Optical Isomers
- Dissymmetry In A Molecule
- Enantiomers, Mesomers, Diastereomers
- Special Case Of Optical Isomerism
- No. Of Optical Isomers, Stereoisomers
- D,l Configuration, Retention & Inversion
- Measurement Of Optical Activity
- No. Of Isomers
- Resolution Of Optical Isomers, Syn, Anti Addition, Elimination.
- Conformational Isomers
14. Reaction Mechanism
- Introduction, Types Of Organic Reactions
- Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction
- Sn1 & Sn2 Reaction, Sni Pathway
- Reactivity In Sn1 & Sn2 Path
- Reactivity In Sn1 & Sn2 Path
- Elimination Reaction
- E1 & E2 Reaction, Isotopic Effect
- Orientation In Elimination Reaction
- Problems On Elimination Reaction
- Elimination Vs Substitution
- Addition Reaction
- Problems On Addition Reaction
- Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reaction
- Orientation In Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
- Reactivity In Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reaction
- Examples Of Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reaction
- Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution
- Benzyne Pathway
15. Alkane
16. Alkene
17. Alkyl Halides
18. Chemical Bonding
- Introduction, definition, Concept & Type of Bonding
- Ionic Bonding, covalent bonding
- Ionic Character in Covalent Bonding, Electronegativity
- Dipole Moment
- Fajan’s Rule
- Model for Covalent Compound, V.B.T. – Lewis St. Model
- Lewis Structure Model
- Formal Charge
- Formal Charge Rule
- Resonance
- Merits & Demerits of Lewis St. Model
- Drawing Lewis St.
- BackBonding
- Bond Angle determination
- Concept of Hybridisation
- SP hybridisation, Relative study of SP, SP2, SP3 Hybridisation
- Hybridsation involving D-orbitals
- Hybridsation with D-orbitals, Limitation of Hybridisation
- Calculation of Hybridisation of Central Atom, Problems
- Merits & demerits of VBT, Introduction to MOT
- MO formation, Bond Order
- MO with P-orbitals, B2, Magnetic Character
- Secondary Bondings
- H Bonding
- Metallic Bonding
19. Periodic Table
20. Metallurgy
21. Hydrogen and its Compounds
22. S block metals
23. p block elements